Traditional PVC Barn Sash Windows
This is a Traditional Style Barn Sash. They are high quality and made with PVC compounds, so they are maintenance free.
The sash has equal sized stiles and top rail, with a traditional wider bottom rail. The glass is a quality mill work profiled glass. There are rabbets on both the sash parts and bars. The sash is designed to be a true divided lite product utilizing individual panes of double strength glass for each lite. The sash was also made for easy dissemble for easy glass replacement. Each stile and rail can be trimmed by up to 5/8".
Traditional PVC Barn Sash Windows
This is a Traditional Style Barn Sash. They are high quality and made with PVC compounds, so they are maintenance free.
The sash has equal sized stiles and top rail, with a traditional wider bottom rail. The glass is a quality mill work profiled glass. There are rabbets on both the sash parts and bars. The sash is designed to be a true divided lite product utilizing individual panes of double strength glass for each lite. The sash was also made for easy dissemble for easy glass replacement. Each stile and rail can be trimmed by up to 5/8".